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Ecstatic Dance and Yoga 

11 - 15th October 2024

Ananda Forest, Spain

Are you ready to celebrate life and connect with each other and the Self?
Let’s light the flame of the heart and soul. It is time to unite!


Ecstatic dance & yoga retreat 2024.png

Ecstatic dance and yoga, the dynamic duo at the heart of our journey towards unity, are calling you, yes you who is reading this right now, to embark on a transformative adventure. Together, inviting to explore the boundless joy of pure, simple, ecstatic being, alongside meditation, sharing circles, soulful melodies, and more.


As we sway to the rhythm of life's dance, we'll uncover moments of healing and transformation, embracing both the peaks of ecstasy and the depths of introspection with open hearts.


In this retreat, our mission is to unveil the infinite freedom inside of very being, within a nurturing and secure space. Here, all are encouraged to delve into self-discovery and growth, as we merge the transformative powers of ecstatic dance, yoga, and other practices under the guidance of experienced and passionate instructors. Join us as we journey together towards authenticity and unity.

What to expect

  • Immerse yourself in the transformative power of ecstatic dance and yoga

  • Experience boundless joy through meditation, sharing circles, and soulful melodies 

  • Embrace both peaks of ecstasy and depths of introspection with open hearts

  • Unveil the essence of your true self within a nurturing and secure space

  • Delve into self-discovery and growth amidst the highest of camping in a beautiful natural setting

  • Wake up to the symphony of bird songs and the serenity of nature's embrace

  • Join us on a journey towards authenticity, unity, and connection with the world around us

Meet The Team



Ananda Forest offers different options for accommodation. We are providing a space that is physically and energetically clean and uplifting. Nestled in the heart of nature, Ananda Forest reconnects us to our roots and to the natural beauty of life.


Apart from your selected accommodation, you have access to the beautiful shared living area, an amazing temple space, and gardens spread out over 1,5hectare of prestine land.


The cabin and glamping tent(s) have all the necessary items provided: a comfortable bed, sheets, blankets, pillows, closets, towel, etc.



DAY 1 -

Arrival day

16: Sharing circle, yin yoga and dance


DAY 2-3-4
7h30-8h: Silent Meditation 
8h15-9h45: Hatha Yoga 
10h: Breakfast 

11h: Free time/optional nature excursion

13.30: Lunch
16 - 18.30: Ecstatic Dance
19: Dinner

20-21: Evening meditation/Yoga Nidra or Kirtan



7h30-8h: Silent Meditation 

8h15-9h45: Hatha Yoga 

10h: Breakfast

11-12: Departure





Prices for the full retreat (including 3 organic, vegetarian meals/day, 4 days of course and accommodation):

Early Birth discount (valid until June 15, 2024)

Camping (own tent): €500
Triple Room, Double Belltent or private tent: €600

Regular price​

Camping (own tent): €550

Triple Room, private tent or Double Belltent: €650


Note: except for the option of camping with your own tent, we provide you with a comfortable bed, all bedding/sheets/blankets, and a towel.

We also have all the supplies for you for yoga and meditation.


May the sacred tremor of the heart awaken our body and soul!
With love and see you on the other side:)!




Ananda Forest, Orgiva, Spain​


Application Form

Fill out the form below and we will soon get in contact with you 

Om nama Shivaya

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